Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Nikada nisu prestajali da se nose, ali se opet vracaju u modu?! SESIRI! Sa svojom ucestalijom pojavom negde u XVIII veku, pa sve do sada njihova pojava nije jenjavala. Do 60-tih godina XX veka bio je statusni simbol. Danas se nose na najrazlicitije nacine. Medjutim, nekada su sesiri imali svoje posebne kutije u koje su se odlagali da se ne bi ostetili, sakupljali prasinu, ili je bilo jednostavnije da sesiri u njima "putuju".
Cela ova prica je ustvari uvod za ovu kutiju koja je na neki nacin "uradi sam" projekat. Samo stara kutija koja je bila u poluraspadnutom stanju sa natrulim ruckama i izbledelom bojom. Sada, ona prica pricu za sebe, samo u malo reprezentativnijem izdanju.

People have never ceased to wear them, but they are in fashion again?! HATS! During 18th century hats were very popular. In 60s hats were a status symbol. Today people wear they in the most different ways. In the past times woman had special boxes for their hats. These boxes are made to protect hats from dust or damage. In this way they can travel mush easier. 
This whole story was the introduction for this hat box, which is DIY project. It was just old box that was in decomposing condition with rotting handles and faded paint. Now, it is a different story but in a better edition.

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