Thursday, August 13, 2015


Prilikom preuredjivanja stolice koje ste imali prilike da vidite u ovom postu , ostalo mi visak materijala koji sam iskoristila da napravim ukrasne jastucice. Pritom se uklapaju i uz stolicu sto je plus. S obzirom da mi je posteljina takodje cvetnog dezena, odlucila sam da napravim i ovaj beli prekrivac za krevet, jer bi u suprotnom bilo previse sareno. Krajnji rezultat mi se dopao, a sad koliko ce to stajati na krevetu pitanje je vremena ili dok mi sledeca ideja ne padne na pamet.

A few posts ago, when I rearranging the chair that you had opportunity to see in this post , I had left overs of the same fabric that I have used to make decorating pillows. Goes perfectly with the chair, which is always a plus. I decide to make this white bedspread, because the bed sheet was floral and with the floral pillows is too much. I liked the final result, and how long it will stand on the bed is the matter of time. Probably to new idea.

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