Friday, August 7, 2015


Ne znam za vas, ali ja imam taj problem da ako mi nakit nije pred ocima, kao da ga i nema. On potpuno padne u zaborav. Upravo iz tog razloga se trudim da ga izlozim nekako, ali da to opet ne bude prenatrpano. Sa prstenjem, naravno, postoji najveci problem, jer kako njih urediti, a da to iole lepo izgleda. Malo sam mozgala, guglala, i dosla do resenje. Ruka za nakit. Lepo izgleda, poprilicno jednostavno se izradjuje. Sta cete bolje?! 

Sve sto vam je potrebno od materijala je:
  • gips
  • neka posuda i nesto sa cime cete promesati
  • gumena rukavica
  • plasticni deo koji ide u tegle i kanap (ili mozete koristiti i veliku teglu, rukavicu staviti unutra, a gornji deo prevrnuti oko otvora tegle, na taj nacin ce rukavica visiti unutar tegle da se susi).

Treba vam samo par minuta da ovo odradite. Umutite gips (smesa treba da je gustine kao za palacinke :). Zatim postavite rukavicu da visi i sipajte gips u nju. Kada sipate gips moze se desiti da udje vazduh, pa ostane rupa na vrhovima prstiju, tako da stisnite rukavicu malo nakon sto sipate gips, da nestanu mehurici. Iako se on brzo stegne, savetujem vam da ostavite preko noci da se osusi, jer treba vremena dok se gips ne stegne u potpunosti, pogotovo iznutra. Nakon sto se scvrsne, pazljivo makazama isecite rukavicu, i secite rukavicu sa svakog prsta posebno, jer se meni desilo da sam je povukla, a pritom se nije dovoljno osusilo, pa su otpali prsti. Mozda ce na nekim mestima biti neravnina, malo je ismirglajte. Kada zavrsite taj korak, mozete preci farbom ili sprejom po zelji. Tada je "ruka" gotova i spremna za vas nakit. 

I dont know about you, but I have the problem that if I dont see jewelry in front of my eyes, it does not exist for me. It completely falls into oblivion. For this reason, I try to expose it somehow, but again it is not crowded. With rings, of course, there is the biggest problem, because how to display them, and that even remotely looks nice. I've been ruminating googled and came up with a solution. Hand jewelry holder. It looks nice, quite simply diy project . What can be better ?!

All you need is:
  • gypsum
  • a vessel, and something you're going stir
  • rubber gloves
  • plastic part that goes into jars and rope (or you can use a large pot, put in the glove, and the upper part of the upturn around the opening of the jar, in this way the glove hang inside the pots to dry).
You need only a few minutes to have completed this. Beat gypsum (mixture should be density as for pancakes :). Then set up a glove to hang and pour plaster into it. When you pour the plaster can happen to enter the air and leaves a hole in the fingers, so squeeze the glove a little after pouring plaster, that the bubbles disappear. Although he quickly tightened, I suggest that you leave overnight to dry, because it takes time until the plaster has cured completely, especially inside. After becoming firmly, carefully cut with scissors glove and cut glove with each finger separately, it happened to me that I withdrew, and it just was not enough dried up and fell off fingers. You may be in some places to be uneven, take  sandpaper and off the extra. When you have completed this step, you can proceed with paint or spray. Then is jewelry hand is finish for you jewelry.

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