Veoma su mat, kao sto i sam naziva kaze, poprilicno su suvi, tako da ja namazem labelo
pre nego sto ih nanesem. Prilicno su postojani, tako da ih nije potrebno cesto nanositi.
pre nego sto ih nanesem. Prilicno su postojani, tako da ih nije potrebno cesto nanositi.
Today, i write my impressions of the GR Velvet lipsick. As you can see I have six of them, but love is the answer. They come in matte maroon package containing 4,2g. Packed in cellophane, so you can be sure that nobady was testing them. They are very matte, and quity dry, so first moisturize your lips. They are long-lasting.
Nemojte da vas zavara sto izgleda kao da nisu mat, prethodno sam dobro hidrirala usne.
In some photo look likes they are not matte, but it is only moisturizer under.
In some photo look likes they are not matte, but it is only moisturizer under.
Bez blica Sa blicem
Da li posedujete neke od ovih karmina i kako vam se dopadaju?
Do you have some of those lipstick? How do you like it? |
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