Thursday, March 28, 2013


Evo jednog veoma jednostavnog načina kako da unesete promene u vaš dom, uz malo truda. Oduvek sam volela stare crno-bele fotografije, i konačno sam pronašla priliku da ih postavim na zid u sasvim drugačijem fazonu. Prilagodila sam i novije fotografije, tako što sam ih izradila crno-bele.
Na slici se nalazi sve sto vam je potrebno.

Here's a very simple way to make changes in your home with little effort. I've always loved the old black and white photos, and I finally found the opportunity to put on the wall in a very different style. I've adjusted and current photos, so I created them in black and white.
Here is what you need.

Iscrtajte lenjirom koliko želite da vam budu otvori, u zavisnosti od dimenzija slike. Zatim, skalpelom isecite otvore za slike.

Mark with ruler holes for images, depending on the dimensions of the image. Then, the scalpel cut holes for the pictures.

Namažite lepak sa spoljašnje strane slike i zalepite ih na novi karton istih dimenzija kao     onaj koji ste sekli. Na isečeni karton stavite lepak i nalepitite preko slika.

Spread glue on the outer side of the picture and paste them to a new card with the same dimensions as the one you cut. On board cuts put glue and pasted over cardboard with pictures.

Urolati selotejp i nalepiti na poleđinu, zatim zalepiti na zid.

 Roll in duct tape and glue on the back, then stick to the wall.


  It is finish!

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